These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

Get metrics

Returns historical metrics data, for a specific subject (device or service) over a specific time range.


Note that data is stored in a particular retention policy which will return minute and hourly data points depending on the time range. If the query ranges over 1 day, hourly data points will be returned, otherwise you will get a data point for every minute. The 1 minute data points are only stored for the last 5 days.

Parameters: Filter

For device IDs these are the following parameters you can filter at a top level. The filter allows you to return a specific metric (e.g. network traffic), filtered further by a item (e.g. eth0) and sub metric (received MB/s). Please refer to the response given at Available metrics if you need to filter further than that.

cpuStatsCPU statistics
diskUsageDisk usage
ioStatsIO statistics
loadAvrgThe Average load
memoryAmount of memory use
networkTrafficNetwork bandwidth
processesThe amount processes running